
So a bus full of ugly people are driving along a cliffside, when suddenly a landslide knocks them off and they crash into the ocean. Everyone dies.

When they get up to heaven to meet their maker, he says, “Since you have suffered in your lives, I will grant you each one wish before you enter heaven.”

So he gets to the first ugly person, and they say, “Well, I’d like to be beautiful”, and BAM! They’re gorgeous. Second person says, “I’d like to be beautiful too!”, and just like that it is done.

So he’s working his way down the line, each person electing to be made beautiful. But at the very end of the line is the ugliest motherfucker you’ve ever seen, and he’s laughing his ass off. God continues to make his way through the line, making each person beautiful, but the guy in back just keeps laughing harder and harder.

Finally he reaches the end of the line and asks him, “Why are you laughing? What wish can I grant for you?” and the guy goes,

“Make ’em all ugly again”

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