3 Construction Workers Eating Lunch

Three construction workers are sitting on a scaffolding eating lunch.
An electrician, a bricklayer, and a welder are sitting on a high-rise scaffolding on their lunch break. They all open their lunches to find baloney sandwiches. The electrician sighs and says:

“I hate baloney, my wife knows I hate baloney, yet every day I end up with this sandwich. If I get one more of these, I’m jumping off this building.”

The bricklayer agrees with him, saying:

“You know what, I feel the same way. I’m tired of this bland lunch every day. One more of these and I’m jumping off after you.”

The welder chimes in as well, saying:

“I hate this sandwich, too. I’m with you guys.”

Well, the next day comes and they find themselves in the same spot for lunch. The electrician pulls out a baloney sandwich and true to his word, jumps off and goes splat. The bricklayer opens up his lunch, discovers the same and jumps as well. So does the welder.

At the funeral, the electrician’s widow found out what happened and was talking to the other widows, saying:

“If only I had known how much he hated that lunch, I would have packed him something else.”

The bricklayer’s widow says:

“For sure! I didn’t know he wanted something else.”

The welder’s widow pauses and then says:

“Don’t look at me, my husband packed his own lunch.”

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