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A Drunk Naked Woman

A drunk naked woman jumped into a taxi and laid down on the back seat.

The cab driver, an old gentleman, opened his eyes wide and stared at the woman.

The Vet’s Advice

A man has a wonderful horse, a good-looking one. But it also occasionally gets very dangerous and vicious. Causes tons of trouble breaks things and so on. So this man goes to the vet and asks what to do with this horse.

A Scary Joke

This girl ran up to me at the cemetery and said,

“I need to pass through the cemetery but I’m scared to walk alone. Can you walk with me across?”

That Student

A teacher told his students,

“The person who’ll answer my next question correctly can leave class early.”

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Because You’re Blonde

A girl comes home from school and tells her mother, “Mom, I got a gold star today for reciting the whole alphabet! The rest of my class only knows 3 or 4 letters!”

“Well done darling,” the mother replies, “That’s because you’re blonde.”