50th-anniversary Dinner

A husband and a wife are celebrating their 50 year anniversary by having some dinner. After being together for so long they don’t have many secrets but the husband always wanted to know.

“Hey honey, have you ever cheated on me? We’ve been together so long it doesn’t even matter, but I’d like to know,” he says.

“Oh why to get into it?” she replied “Have you?”

“You know, I got close a few times. But no, it just never felt right,” he answered.

“Well sweetie, if you really want to know, three times,” the wife finally says.

“Ok. Well. Could you at least tell me why?” he asked.

“Well remember when we first got married? You had big dreams and wanted to start a company. The bank wouldn’t give you the loan, and then I met with the manager and then you got the loan.”

The husband looked surprised and touched. “Wow honey, that’s not what I expected. I mean, with this company our lives began. The house we live in, the fine things we have… ”

They continue to eat their dinner and drink their wine. About ten minutes later the husband began to circle back to the topic again.
“Ok. That was one of the times. But what about the others?” He asked.

“Well honey, remember when you had that heart condition? The hospital said the chances were slim. But then I found a surgeon doing research and begged him to look at your case and then he operated and you got well,” she replied.

“Well, that saved my life. Wow, I had no idea. You saved my life.” He says, completely in awe of his wife’s dedication.
The wife poured herself another glass of wine and brought out the desert. They continued to and reminisce.

“Alright, but honey, you said three times. What was the third time?” The husband asked.

“Well, remember that time you were running for local office? You were losing by 150 votes. But then the tides turned on election day and you won.”

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