I Stepped On A Duck

Jack emigrates to a strange new country in search of a job.

When he arrives at the terminal, the customs officer gives him one piece of strange advice before he enters the country.

“Whatever you do, don’t step on a duck”

Jack thought this advice was strange, but as he walked out the airport he saw thousands of ducks flood his view, so much so that it was tough to step anywhere without stepping on a duck.

After a while, Jack is heading to work carefully stepping through the ducks, when he sees a man in front of him accidentally step on a duck. Almost immediately, a group of two mysterious men come along and handcuff the ugliest woman Jack has ever seen to him and then leave as quickly as they came.

A few months later Jack is heading back from his job when he sees a particularly clumsy man accidentally step on two ducks at once. Sure enough, the same two mysterious men come along and handcuff a woman even uglier than the first to the clumsy man, and leave.

The very next day Jack is sitting on a bench, eating his lunch when he sees the two mysterious men drag the most gorgeous girl Jack had ever seen in his life towards him, handcuff her to him and then leave.

“What’s going on?” Jack says.

“I don’t know about you,” The girl says with a heavy sigh,

“But I stepped on a duck”

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