Best person in the world

Sleeping Beauty, Hercules and Don Juan are sitting around a table discussing who the best person in the world is. Sleeping Beauty claims that she is the best because she is the most beautiful person in the world. Hercules claims that he is the best because he is the strongest person in the world. Don Juan claims that he is the best because he has loved the most women in the world. So they decide to go speak to the wise man and see who is the best. They agree to go in alone so as not to be embarassed in front of the others. Sleepy Beauty went in first and came out smiling. She said that she truly was the mos beautiful person in the world. Hercules went in next and also came out smiling. He said that he truly was the strongest person in all the world. Don Juan wen t in last but when he came out he was very angry and confused. He exclamed “Who the hell is Bill Clinton?!?”

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