A blonde is putting together a puzzle

A blonde is putting together a puzzle.
She calls her boyfriend at work and tells him that she needs him to come home to help her.
He keeps telling her that he can’t leave work right now, but she’s very insistent.
“Well, what’s the picture on the box?” He asks.
“It’s a tiger.” She says.
“Then just try to make a tiger with the pieces.”
She sighs, and insists she can’t. The boyfriend proceeds to leave work early and drive all the way to his girlfriend’s. When he arrives, she takes him to see the puzzle on the kitchen table. Upon seeing it, he flies into a fit of rage.
“I left work early for this?!?” He yells.
“But I couldn’t make the tiger like you said.” She replies, crying.
“Ok, first off,” he begins, “there’s no way in hell these will ever make a tiger. Second, put the Frosted Flakes back in the fucking box!”

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