Three Guys Go to Heaven

St Peter at the gate greets them and says ‘Alright. We’ve just built some new roads up here and we need to get you each a car. Depending on how faithful you were to your wives will determine the quality of the car. Sound good?’ 1st Guy: ‘I was happily married thirty years with my wife and never cheated on her once. She passed a few years ago but I still remained faithful’ St Peter: ‘That’s wonderful. Here’s a brand new Rolls Royce. Top of the line’ 2nd Guy: ‘I once kissed my wife’s sister. Not proud of it but that’s the only time I cheated’ St Peter: ‘Ahh no problem. I’ve got this Volvo 4×4 you can drive’ 3rd Guy: ‘I was a bit of a scumbag. Nailed my neighbour, a waitress and a couple of hookers while married’ St Peter: ‘Hey we’ve all been there. Here’s a beaten up Toyota Corolla. Watch the brakes. They’re a bit shit’ The men drive off and after a couple of days the guy in the Corolla pulls up to a traffic light. He looks to his left and sees the Rolls Royce of the first man. When looks over he see him crying into his steering wheel 3rd Guy: ‘Hey what’s wrong?’ 1st Guy: sobbing ‘I just saw my wife on roller skates!’

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