A Young Boy Living On a Farm…

A young boy living on a farm came down to eat breakfast.

His mother told him he had to do his chores before he could eat. He got mad but went out to do his chores when a chicken ran across in front of him so being still mad he kicked it. Momma was watching.

When the cow kicked over the milk pail, he kicked the cow. Momma was watching. When a pig splattered mud on his jeans he kicked the pig. Momma was watching.

So he goes in for breakfast and Momma said, “since you kicked the chicken, you’ll get no eggs. Since you kicked the cow, you’ll get no milk and since you kicked the pig you’ll get no bacon.”

When about that time his Daddy came down the stairs and the cat almost tripped him he kicked the cat clean across the room. To which the Son said to his Momma, “Are you gonna tell him or should I?!”

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