A Chauffeur Goes To Pick Up The Pope

A chauffeur goes to pick up the Pope.

Upon arrival, the Pope tells the chauffeur that he never gets to drive anymore and pleads with him to let him behind the wheel for a little while. Being a good catholic boy, he accepts the Pope’s request and takes a seat in the back of the car.

Once the Pope is behind the wheel, the chauffeur immediately regrets the decision due to the Pope’s excessive speeding and it isn’t long before they see blue lights flashing behind them.

The Pope pulls over, and the officer gets out walks to the front of the car, looks at the Pope, and then looks at the chauffeur. He goes back to his car and gets on the police radio.

“Chief we got a problem, I just pulled someone over for speeding way over the limit, but I think I should probably let them go. They are kind of important,” the officer said.

The chief responds, “Well who is it? Some kind of celebrity?”

“No, not really,” the officer replies.

“Is it the mayor?” The chief asks.

“No chief, it ain’t the mayor…I think it might be god,” the officer says.

“God!? Why in the hell do you think it is God?” The chief asks.

“Well sir, his chauffeur is the Pope.”

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